Dec 6, 2023

Navigating the Changes: Recognizing Signs of Dementia in a Parent

Compassion Network Home Care is Alberta’s trusted in-home care agency. We provide the best level of home healthcare, caregiving, and nursing, all within the comforts of your home.

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As our parents age, it's natural to observe shifts in their behavior and cognitive function. However, when these changes extend beyond typical aging patterns, it's essential to consider the possibility of dementia.

Recognizing the early signs of dementia in a parent is crucial for seeking timely intervention and support. Let's explore the common signs that may indicate the onset of dementia, helping you navigate this challenging journey with awareness and understanding.

1. Memory Loss That Disrupts Daily Life:

One of the hallmark signs of dementia is memory loss that significantly impacts daily functioning. Be attentive to:

  • Forgetting recently learned information.
  • Frequently repeating questions or statements.
  • Reliance on memory aids for routine tasks.

2. Difficulty with Planning and Problem-Solving:

Dementia can affect the ability to plan and solve problems. Watch for:

  • Challenges in following a familiar recipe or managing finances.
  • Difficulty concentrating and taking longer to complete familiar tasks.

3. Confusion with Time or Place:

Individuals with dementia may lose track of time or struggle to recognize familiar places. Pay attention to:

  • Getting lost in familiar surroundings.
  • Difficulty understanding the passage of time, seasons, or dates.

4. Challenges with Visual Perception:

Dementia can affect visual abilities, leading to difficulties with coordination and spatial awareness. Look for signs such as:

  • Problems judging distances or recognizing colors and contrasts.
  • Trouble reading or interpreting visual information.

5. Changes in Language and Communication:

Language difficulties are common in the early stages of dementia. Observe:

  • Difficulty finding the right words or expressing thoughts.
  • Repeating themselves or struggling to follow and join conversations.

6. Misplacing Items and Being Unable to Retrace Steps:

Individuals with dementia may put items in unusual places and struggle to retrace their steps. Be mindful of:

  • Frequently misplacing keys, glasses, or other personal items.
  • Accusing others of stealing or moving belongings.

7. Decreased Judgment:

Dementia can impact decision-making and judgment. Watch for:

  • Poor financial decisions or a decline in personal grooming habits.
  • Lack of awareness of safety risks.

8. Social Withdrawal:

Changes in social behavior may signal dementia. Look for:

  • A decrease in social activities or hobbies.
  • Difficulty initiating or joining conversations.

9. Mood and Personality Changes:

Dementia can lead to shifts in mood and personality. Be aware of:

  • Mood swings or unexplained changes in temperament.
  • Increased irritability or anxiety.

10. Unexplained Changes in Abilities:

If you notice a decline in your parent's ability to perform familiar tasks, it could be a sign of dementia. Pay attention to:

  • Challenges driving to familiar locations.
  • Difficulty managing personal finances or household tasks.

Seeking Support and Professional Guidance

Recognizing the signs of dementia in a parent can be emotionally challenging, but early detection is crucial for ensuring appropriate care and support.

If you observe these indicators, it's essential to seek professional guidance. Schedule a visit to a healthcare professional, such as a neurologist or geriatrician, for a comprehensive assessment.

Remember, a timely diagnosis allows for the implementation of strategies and interventions that can enhance your parent's quality of life and help you navigate this journey with care and understanding.

Compassion Network Home Care provides dementia focused care and respite for families in Edmonton and Calgary. Get in touch today.

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