As of 2020, 10,000 Canadians are living past 100 receiving the prestigious centenarian status. Amongst this group, 102-year-old Marie Moulton stands out with an energized personality. When many think of someone that has lived to 102 years old, it’s easy to imagine someone who has slowed down significantly. For Marie Moulton, that’s far from the case. Marie’s upbeat attitude and contagious positivity radiates throughout the room making others share in her mindset. With no intention of slowing down, Marie is determined to set new records in age. The longevity Marie possesses sets everyone in awe.Outliving all siblings, Marie finds herself to be the last of her family, except her niece in Newfoundland.
Marie has been a client of Compassion Network Home Care for quite some time. Starting with the basic help of laundry and cleaning within her residence, Maries care has transitioned into companionship due to the strong bond formed between Marie and her care worker Amanda. The two find themselves to be great friends as Amanda visits Marie 3 or more times a week.
When asked on what could be the secret to Marie’s longevity, Marie said there are many factors, what stands out is the fact that Marie had refrained from drinking and smoking all her life. With limiting somethings, Marie indulges in others. Sugar is one thing Marie loves and never has shied away from in the past and the present. Maybe the secrets to longevity could be in the sugar.
With her memory sharp as ever, Marie had a limitless amount of story’s from the past, sharing insights on what it was like growing up in an era so long ago. Marie sets an example for us all that no matter your age or circumstances there is always an opportunity to be positive.